We are Toll’s global digital platform, a one-stop solution for all your shipment needs. From delivering a parcel to moving dangerous goods, you can connect with all Toll’s services from one convenient location accessible anywhere, anytime.


Using our platform you can create a shipment, track a shipment or a missed delivery, and so much more. 


To learn more, watch the video: Introducing MyToll



Create and monitor shipping transactions and receive communications about news updates, system announcements, and new functionality from a central location.

User profile and settings management

Configure and save default settings for increased efficiency when creating transactions.
Save frequently used information to reduce repetitive data entry thus improving transaction speed and accuracy.

Create shipments

Create shipments including specialised transport shipments or international shipments for a single destination.
Print labels, consignment notes, and commercial invoices quickly and conveniently. 

Manage manifests

Add shipments to a manifest,
print shipping documents from within the manifest,
and close the manifest to submit shipment information to Toll carrier systems. 

Track and trace

Track multiple shipments and get real-time visibility of the shipment status.
View and download proof of delivery (POD) and alternate shipment collection points for missed deliveries.
Set your notification preferences to receive notification of events on the shipment journey. 


View, search, and download individual invoices



  • Available 24/7
  • Easy registration with account approval visibility
  • Customisable preferences for notifications and alerts
  • Global default settings
  • Explore multiple Toll services from a single platform
  • Create and save templates for the fast shipment and pickup entry
  • Simple to use and navigate interface
  • Track and trace using an extensive range of search criteria
  • Access to real-time rates across all your Toll services
  • Smart print, automatic task printing
  • View proof of delivery (POD)
Simpler. Faster. More powerful